Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Post Patty's Day

Here's the thing... I haven't blogged for almost a month. I apologize, but please understand that I've been more busy than God was in the first week of creation (plus I don't even get my own sabbath). So deal with it.


Here's a St. Patrick's Day poem I wrote yesterday. Usually I don't post material online, but I think this one has an important message that everyone should hear. Enjoy!

The Shamrock Resignation

On Saint P’s Day of March ’09,
All leprechauns worldwide resigned.
To sum it up, they’d had enough --
The year was bad and times were rough.

Stocks in gold hit bottom lows,
Then left and right their banks foreclosed.
On every channel news was bleak,
And spirits waned with every week.

So boarding up their woodland homes,
They waved goodbye to elves and gnomes;
They traded in their shoes for boots,
Their hats for caps and coats for suits.

Nevermore would any slide
Down rainbow ribbons in the sky,
Nor play their flutes or jig through mobs,
For all now needed steady jobs.

So off to interviews they went
(With no skills or experience)
And, big surprise, they failed at those,
Losing out to Average Joes.

For months and months things just got worse,
Like some 1930’s curse,
“But wait!” cried out the Irish midgets,
“That’s it! Let’s build up army widgets!

We’ll start a war, it fuels new jobs
To help out all the unskilled slobs.
Humans fight through history --
Let's fight off our misery!"

So down to work the small men went,
Sweating to the full extent.
They built an army, strong hate brewin’,
Then waged a war... upon the humans!

The humans laughed, was this a joke?
These tiny things who once were broke
Now thought they’d stand up face to face
To battle out the human race?

But war was war – begun at noon
And, sad enough, was done by two.
The leprechauns, all now destroyed,
Were taken down like action toys.

It's hard to see the times ahead --
Some succeed, some wind up dead.
It's sad, I know, but learn the lesson:
Don’t start wars to fight recessions.

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