Monday, May 24, 2010


Hey bloggies, gonna keep this entry quick and to the point (just how New Yorkers like things).

After a tasty lunch at Wonjo (a Korean BBQ), Andrew and I headed to the Ed Sullivan theater for our Late Show with Dave Letterman taping. We got our tickets with an hour to spare and moseyed back to Time Square, taking seats on the red steps to people watch. Both left and right were tourists lined up for the TKTS cue; up ahead were news crews shooting stories; and right below was a sub-par rapper failing to impress the yawning crowds around him.

Fast forward to the Late Show. CBS had loads of pages and warm up comedians to get us amped with energy, which only added to the ultimate rush when Dave erupted from behind the set thirty feet in front of us. The main celeb guest was Jake Gyllenhaal (he and Dave were hilarious together), and the band was mind-blowing. Sitting in the actual studio audience is a little weird, though, because the stage is infinitely smaller than what it looks like on television. Crazy camera magic.

Not much more to add tonight. I strolled up and down the Sex and the City 2 premiere a couple of times, but didn't manage to catch a glimpse of Sarah Jessica Parker. Maybe it's a good thing I didn't, though -- I think I'd have felt compelled to yell some obscure line from Hocus Pocus, in which case she might be offended that I consider Sarah Sanderson her finest acting achievement.

Anyways, off to bed -- my legs are burning from all this walking. No wonder everyone in Manhattan's a bloody stick.

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