Saturday, February 14, 2009

Red Eyes, Night Skies

For those of you who don't know, I left. Gone. Disappeared. Vanished -- poof! Yup, flew far away. No doubt you miss me already, and you should, so thanks. Much appreciated.

Time: 3:51am. I'm off to Orlando, sitting in the Toronto airport on a seven hour lay-over. I don't mind, really. My brother and mom collapsed hours ago on the cafeteria chairs, my dad's blasting Whitney Houston waaaaay too loud in his earbuds, and I'm playing a certain videogame involving Melee Island (10 blog points to whoever can name it!). As indicated in the blog title, my family decided to only fly ridiculously late at night this year. Haven't you heard? Daytime is soooo trite. Darkness is exclusive, refined, private -- night's the new day, people.

I'll keep you bloggies* updated as my trip progresses. I guarantee there will be thrilling, terrifying, heart-wrenching/tear-jerking moments, so stay wired.

In fact, to ensure such entertainment, I've decided to set some goals for this holiday. They include:

1. Get a kiss from Cinderella. Ultimately I'd love to marry her for US citizenship, but I think I'll take whatever I can get. Plus, Prince Charming might beat the crap out of me.
2. Snap a pic with Winifred's spellbook from the movie Hocus Pocus. I know they keep it in Planet Hollywood, so I MUST hunt it down.
3. Try something I've never ever ever ever ever tried (open to anything)
4. Yell at a rollercoaster full of arm-waving women: "all you single ladies, put your goddamn hands down!" [see blog post #3]
5. Make it out of Toronto alive. Seriously, their janitors have knives.

Wish me luck!! I'm pretty used to navigating Disney World, so I think I'll be able to stalk Cinderella, find a spellbook, and outrun Prince Charming with little to no trouble. 'Til next time, have fun freezing while I'm toasting to a nice, light brown by the tropical rays!

*Bloggies = collective term used to refer to all the smart, attractive people who follow this blog


  1. MONKEY ISLAND! It's Monkey Island! I knew that one!

  2. Congratulations! you get ten (10) blog points for the correct answer!


    132,000 points for being the first commentator ever!!! You are officially #1 bloggie by 132,010 points.

    Let that be a lesson to everyone else. This IS a competition. Get your head in the game.

  3. awe fuck he beat me to it. Does using the phrase "Incama Coriama" get me anything?

  4. James:
    +3 points for using "incama coriama"
    +5 points for saying "awe fuck" instead of "aww fuck" -- even if it was a typo, I appreciate the epicness of disappointment it communicated

  5. it was a conscious decision
    so jem = 132,010
    james = 8
    watch out jem, i'm coming for you!
